1. Do I need to have an account to order?
No, you can also place an order as a guest. But, there are some perks if you have an account with us:
- Quick checkout process
- Easily view your order status and order history
- Receive updates detailing our new releases and special promotions
2. What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover, AMEX) and PayPal payments.
3. How secure is my online order?
When purchasing online using your credit card, all of your information is entered into a SSL secure web page. Your information is then SSL-encrypted and sent directly to our credit card provider's network, where your card and transaction is authorized and approved. Your credit card information is not stored on our servers.
4. Are there any exchange rates?
All of our transactions are based in US Dollars. If your credit card is based in another currency, your order total will be calculated in accordance with the daily exchange rate of the date your card issuer processes the transaction.
5. How do I set my shipping address?
Since our website and service are based on English, all the information that you typed in is required to be English input method, including punctuations. If certain letters of your address contain Non-English letters, you are advised to use the similar English ones instead. For example, you may change letter "?" to "c".
6. Can I change my shipping address after placing an order?
If you need to change the receiving address, please contact us within 12 hours after placing the order. More than 12 hours later, it is possible that your goods have been shipped, and we will not be able to provide a modified receiving address.
7.How long does delivery normally take?
The delivery time is based on the shipping option that you have chosen. Once the order has shipped, we will email your tracking number and tracking website. It usually takes two weeks. We are not responsible for delays caused by the customs department in your country.
8.Why it shows that my tracking number is invalid?
If there is a tracking number, it means that the parcel has been shipped out.
The parcel is sent from our warehouse first. Then parcels will arrive in the shipping company's processing center by plane. Then each shipping company will pick up parcels from airport. Once they have scanned those parcels, the website will update the tracking number. It may take 3-5 days to see any activity once it has shipped out from our end.
Please allow some time for the courier to update the latest tracking info after reaching next station.
9.Why hasn't my shipping information been updated?
Sometimes it takes the information some time to update. If your shipment is from our international warehouses, it is in transit or clearing customs and the information will not be updated until it reaches a shipping station. Sometimes the shipping company has not updated the package information, We will try to update that info for you.
10.Why was my order divided into two or more packages?
We will do partial shipping for your order in the following conditions:
1) Items are in different warehouses.
2) Different items need additional preparation time.
3) Weight limit of customs or courier.
You will receive an email notification when each parcel is shipped.
11.What Do I Do If I Have Missing Items In My Order?
If something is still missing, please contact us immediately at service@cocesi.com.